Job offers
- [JOB] HPC engineer 👩💻🧑💻The French Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) is inviting applications for an HPC engineer position at Maison de la Simulation, Saclay, France, with a focus on C++ parallel programming for high-end HPC applications. This is a 20 months position within the long-running Energy-oriented Center of Excellence (EoCoE-III), an ambitious, Europe-wide project that develops exascale lighthouse… Read more: [JOB] HPC engineer 👩💻🧑💻
- [JOB] M2 Internship 👩💻🧑💻- Elastic loadbalancing between exascale simulationand in situ analysisCe sujet de stage est proposé dans le cadre du projet Exa-DoST du PEPR NumPEx, qui regroupe l’ensemble de la communauté de recherche française du CEA, du CNRS, de l’Inria, des universités et des écoles d’ingénieurs autour des thématiques de gestion de données HPC. Exa DoST vise à concevoir les méthodes et des outils qui… Read more: [JOB] M2 Internship 👩💻🧑💻- Elastic loadbalancing between exascale simulationand in situ analysis
- [JOB] 2-year HPC Engineer Position at CEA 👩💻🧑💻- Methods and tools for optimizing Kokkos kernels in large GPU codesCEA is recruiting a C++/HPC expert for two years to join the CExA “Moonshot” project team to develop new methods and tools to optimize the performance of portable kernels implemented using the Kokkos library. As a use-case, these tools and techniques will be demonstrated in the Dyablo code, a novel HPC code for simulating astrophysical… Read more: [JOB] 2-year HPC Engineer Position at CEA 👩💻🧑💻- Methods and tools for optimizing Kokkos kernels in large GPU codes
- [JOB] HPC Engineer Position at CEA 👩💻🧑💻- Contribution to the development of a genomic code on GPU for the GenEx projectJoin the CEA’s ambitious GenEx project and contribute to the development of a genomic computing library adapted to GPU and exascale systems. We are recruiting an HPC engineer for a period of 1 year (renewable for a second year) to work at our CEA Saclay site near Paris. To apply, please send your application (resume… Read more: [JOB] HPC Engineer Position at CEA 👩💻🧑💻- Contribution to the development of a genomic code on GPU for the GenEx project
- [JOB] Engineer Position 👩💻🧑💻- HPC packaging ExpertOverview We are looking for a candidate with a Master’s degree, Engineer’s degree or PhD in computer science, junior or senior, to join a team responsible for the packaging, deployment, and testing of supercomputing libraries for supercomputers. The position is located at Maison de la Simulation team (, in Saclay (near Paris), but our team… Read more: [JOB] Engineer Position 👩💻🧑💻- HPC packaging Expert
- [JOB] PhD. 👩💻🧑💻 – Multigrid algorithms tuning using AI for the solution of linear systemsEtablissement : Université Paris-Saclay GS Ingormatique et sciences du numériqueÉcole doctorale : Sciences et Technologies de l’nformation et de la CommunicationSpécialité : Informatique mathématiqueUnité de recherche : Mdls – Maison de la Simulation Encadrement de la thèse : Nahid EMAD PETITON Co-Directeur : Thomas DUFAUD Description de la problématique de recherche – Project description La… Read more: [JOB] PhD. 👩💻🧑💻 – Multigrid algorithms tuning using AI for the solution of linear systems
- [JOB] Engineer Position 👩💻🧑💻- HPC/HPDA support and developmentOverview Maison de la Simulation offers 2-3 engineer positions to join the newly created PDI team. Application Candidates must have at least a Master’s degree or equivalent in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or other relevant fields. A PhD degree and working experience in a relevant domain are appreciated. Good programming skills are required. Applications should… Read more: [JOB] Engineer Position 👩💻🧑💻- HPC/HPDA support and development
- [JOB] C++ expert engineer 👩💻🧑💻- Contribution to the development of the Kokkos GPU computing library within the CExA “Moonshot” projectJoin the CEA’s ambitious “Moonshot” project, CExA, and contribute to the development of the Kokkos GPU computing library. We are recruiting six talented and enthusiastic C++ development engineers for a period of 2 years to work at our CEA Saclay site near Paris. To apply, please send your application (resume and cover letter) to… Read more: [JOB] C++ expert engineer 👩💻🧑💻- Contribution to the development of the Kokkos GPU computing library within the CExA “Moonshot” project
- [JOB] Postdoc at CEA Cadarache 👩💻🧑💻- Autotuning for ultra-high performance computing with partitioned couplingContact FAUCHER Vincent CEA DES/DTN/DIR (See pdf) Background Taking into account multiple and coupled physics is at the heart of many application needs in fields as varied as, but not limited to, aeronautics, defense and biology. This is also strong area of expertise for CEA’s Energy Division, with multiple domains including fluid-structure interaction, neutronics coupled… Read more: [JOB] Postdoc at CEA Cadarache 👩💻🧑💻- Autotuning for ultra-high performance computing with partitioned coupling
- [JOB] PostDoc at LIP6 👩💻🧑💻- Precision auto-tuning and numerical validation of high performance simulationsBackground This PostDoc will be carried out in the framework of the PEPR (Programme et Equipement Prioritaire de Recherche) NumPEx project devoted to High Performance Numerics for the Exascale and financed by the France2030 investment program. Research directions During this PostDoc several directions will be explored to improve algorithms for precision auto-tuning and numerical validation. We… Read more: [JOB] PostDoc at LIP6 👩💻🧑💻- Precision auto-tuning and numerical validation of high performance simulations
- [JOB] HPC DevOps Engineer at CEA 👩💻🧑💻- Deployment and CI on supercomputers for the C++ Kokkos library within the “Moonshot” CExA projectCEA is recruiting DevOps engineers for a 2-year period to join the CExA “Moonshot” project team, which is setting up CEA’s GPU computing software stack around the Kokkos C++ library, to contribute to innovative packaging, deployment and continuous integration approaches for supercomputers, based in particular on Spack. A team of more than 10 people is… Read more: [JOB] HPC DevOps Engineer at CEA 👩💻🧑💻- Deployment and CI on supercomputers for the C++ Kokkos library within the “Moonshot” CExA project
- [JOB] M2 HMI Internship Interactions in VRWallThe focus of this project is to allow remote users to access this high-end infrastructure TiledViz using optical-see-through AR head-mounted display (HMD) to visualise and explore complex datasets.
- [JOB] 👩💻🧑💻Optimization framework for large deep neural networks[FR] Plateforme logicielle d’optimisation pour réseaux de neurones profonds de très grande taille Doctoral Domain : Computer Science Funding : CIFRE schema, hired in French CDD (36 months) by Huawei France Work Places : Huawei Paris Research Center (Boulogne-Billancourt) and Maison de la Simulation (University Paris-Saclay) Industrial Supervision : Dr. Chong Li and Prof. Denis… Read more: [JOB] 👩💻🧑💻Optimization framework for large deep neural networks
- [JOB] Two postdoctoral positions for the modeling of alkaline electrolysisJoin the CEA/TotalEnergies collaboration DAWN, and contribute to the development of a digital twin for the production of green dihydrogen with alkaline electrolysers. We are recruiting two postdoctoral researchers to develop the numerical tools Flower and canoP for a period of 2 years to work at our CEA Saclay site near Paris. To apply, please… Read more: [JOB] Two postdoctoral positions for the modeling of alkaline electrolysis