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[JOB] M2 HMI Internship Interactions in VRWall

Superviseur : Martial MANCIP,
Durée du stage : 6 months (from february 2024)
Langue : french or english
Lieu : Maison de la Simulation, CEA Saclay and LISN, UPSaclay


The aim of the project is to build virtual display walls with multiple resolutions and interactions using Augmented Reality (AR). This project will be based on the high-end multiple resolution data visualisation system at Maison de la Simulation (

Specifically, we have been developing tools for the data analysis of numerical simulations either in-situ while running on a super-computer or with data written on disks. We work on the visualisation of ensemble of simulations through the TiledViz infrastructure to build efficient analysis and visualisations of the results of massively-parallel simulations. We also use artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches to analyse complex data as produced in medicine/biology applications.

This internship is funded by CEA and will be conducted mostly at Maison de la Simulation and partly at LISN (Université Paris-Saclay). We aim to develop this topic to a Ph.D. project on the interaction of multiple users during distance collaborative sessions.

It would start at best in February 2024 for a period of six months after a security clearance, and its remuneration will depend on the CEA grid according to the candidate’s training and experience.

Internship objectives

The focus of this project is to allow remote users to access this high-end infrastructure TiledViz using optical-see-through AR head-mounted display (HMD) to visualise and explore complex datasets. A typical scenario would be for this system to be used in collaborative meetings of people of various expertise to analyse scientific data.

There are several aspects to be considered in this project:
1) Transform 3D interactions with hand gestures, voice commands, etc. captured from the HMD device to 2D interactions that would be processed by TiledViz;

2) Capture the data flow from TiledViz infrastructure (located at Maison de la Simulation) to readapt it as a virtual wall to the
current context of interaction of the remote users;

3) Adapt the rendering resolution on the HMD based on the distance of the user to the virtual wall;

4) Evaluate the performance and user experience of using of virtual wall via AR headsets and the real TiledViz system.

Candidate profil

  • C#
  • Unity
  • Linux
  • MRTK2
  • C

How to candidate

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highlight job thesis

[JOB] 👩‍💻🧑‍💻Optimization framework for large deep neural networks

[FR] Plateforme logicielle d’optimisation pour réseaux de neurones profonds de très grande taille

Doctoral Domain : Computer Science

Funding : CIFRE schema, hired in French CDD (36 months) by Huawei France

Work Places : Huawei Paris Research Center (Boulogne-Billancourt) and Maison de la Simulation (University Paris-Saclay)

Industrial Supervision : Dr. Chong Li and Prof. Denis Barthou, Huawei Paris Distributed and Parallel Technologies Lab

Academic Supervision : Prof. Nahid Emad, Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Keywords : Massively Parallelism, Linear Algebra, Performance Optimisation, Deep Learning, Large Models

cdd job

[JOB] Two postdoctoral positions for the modeling of alkaline electrolysis

Join the CEA/TotalEnergies collaboration DAWN, and contribute to the development of a digital twin for the production of green dihydrogen with alkaline electrolysers. We are recruiting two postdoctoral researchers to develop the numerical tools Flower and canoP for a period of 2 years to work at our CEA Saclay site near Paris.

To apply, please send your application (resume and cover letter) to Pascal Tremblin and Taraneh Sayadi. You can use the same addresses for any questions concerning the offer. Applications will be evaluated until the positions are filled.


[JOB] Permanent Researcher Position

System software for in situ HPC/AI coupling

Maison de la Simulation (MdlS) recruits a permanent CEA researcher (ingénieur chercheur permanent) to reinforce its “Science of Computing” (SoC) team.

In order to apply, please send a resume, cover letter, references and support letters to You can use the same email address for requests of information about the position. Applications will be evaluated from May the 15th 2023 and until the position is filled.


Maison de la Simulation is a joint research and engineering laboratory of CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay and Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines localized on the plateau de Saclay campus next to Paris. It specializes in high-performance computing. The “Science of Computing” team conducts research, builds expertise and engineers tools in domains underlying HPC: computer science and applied mathematics.

The team co-leads the 5-years French ExaDoST project, part of NumPEx, that will design the software stack for data handling on the upcoming French and potentially European Exascale super-computers.


During the first five years, the selected candidate will contribute to the ExaDoST project. They will conduct research and design tools for data handling at Exascale, working both on the user facing API and on system software for in situ HPC/AI coupling. They will work in close collaboration with the other members of the project to design a modular software stack that should be used on the upcoming French Exascale supercomputer as well as more globally on French, European, and worldwide supercomputers.

To achieve these goals, the candidate will take part in the recruitment and management of the group of temporary engineer and young researchers dedicated to this project. They will leverage the expertise and tools already developed in the team, including the PDI and Deisa libraries.

As time evolves, the selected candidate will develop their own research and projects in the domains of the team. At the conclusion of ExaDost, they will have a large latitude to direct their research toward the directions they feel would serve the team and laboratory best.

Main activities

The candidate will:

  • conduct their research in the domain of runtime and system software for in situ analytics and HPC/AI coupling,
  • take part in the design and implementation of libraries and tools that make the results of this research available to users of HPC in production,
  • take part in the NumPEx project, and related activities of management and reporting,
  • participate to the management of temporary engineers and young researchers.

Skills and competencies

The successful candidate will hold a PhD thesis in computer science or in another field with a strong experience in computer science. They should master the following skills and competencies:

  • good knowledge of HPC parallel architectures, operating systems, and application programming,
  • knowledge of the design of existing system tools and libraries for HPC data handling (IO, in situ processing, coupling, checkpoint writing, etc.),
  • good programming skills in C++, and associated developments tools (Cmake, git, etc.),
  • good programming skills in python, and associated ecosystem,
  • autonomy, interest for team-work in an international context, leadership.

Salary and advantages

CEA “ingénieur-chercheur” positions offer a very competitive salary in French research ecosystem, indexed on diplomas and experience. In addition, the selected candidate will benefit from many advantages:

  • possibility to leverage existing collaborations of MdlS in Europe, US and Japan as well as international conferences with support for travel,
  • up to 3 days of remote work per week,
  • reimbursement of public transport costs (75%) and subsidized catering service,
  • included pension plan and health coverage (French social security plus CEA-specific insurance),
  • 9 full weeks of holidays per year.